This collaboration between USAID and PROSALUD supports the strengthening of capacities to provide oxygen therapy in Bolivian secondary and tertiary hospitals by (1) assessing the health facilities where severely ill COVID-19 patients will receive care, (2) providing technical assistance and training in severe case management and infection prevention and control in the clinical setting;  to ensure the effective use of mechanical ventilators donated to Bolivia by USAID, (3) improving the availability of oxygen resources in priority health facilities, (4) helping to improve the vaccination rate and (5) involving communities for the reactivation of essential health programs and better respond to new threats.


PROSALUD assessed the capacity to provide critical care including mechanical ventilation, in hospitals selected by the Bolivian Ministry of Health as recipients of mechanical ventilators donated by USAID, trained their personnel in the management of COVID-19 and in prevention and control of severe infections in the clinical setting, improved its oxygen resources by supplying 6m3 and 1m3 oxygen tanks to hospitals with COVID-19 patients; From October 1, 2021, new vaccination points will be implemented, followed by activities aimed at involving communities in health problems that directly affect them.


Evaluation of 106 hospitals located in nine departments of Bolivia, selected by the Ministry of Health and Sports, an Evaluation of Intensive Care Facilities developed by USAID was applied. Five doctors, five biomedical engineers and a nurse conducted the evaluations between August and October 2020.

PROSALUD accompanied COSIN (representative of Vyaire) in the delivery of 193 ventilators to one hundred and six hospitals. The status of the remaining 7 fans (some not delivered and others with factory failure) will be established in the visits that are being executed.

303 physicians, nurses and biomedical engineers were trained in the management of severe cases of COVID-19, the prevention and control of infections in the clinical setting and in the use of mechanical ventilators donated by USAID. 51 people from the Ministry of Health also received training. These trainings were implemented on 13 different occasions in the 9 Departments of Bolivia in a joint effort of the CEASS (Central de Abastecimiento y Suministros de Salud) of the Ministry of Health, COSIN (local representative of Vyaire) and PROSALUD. Representatives of the Bolivian Society of Critical Medicine and Intensive Therapy participated as instructors in the trainings

 In November 2021, PROSALUD and the Bolivian Evangelical University will teach a Diploma approved by the Ministry of Education in COVID-19; Participants will receive 100% scholarship, except the cost of the approval diploma that will be paid to the university

690 6m3 oxygen cylinders and 90 1m3 transport cylinders with pressure gauges, humidifiers and masks were distributed to 41 hospitals treating COVID-19. A promotional video was produced and broadcast by PROSALUD's website and Facebook. The lack of oxygen concentrators of 10 liters per minute (lpm) in the market, the difficulties of improving internal oxygen distribution in hospitals and greater interest in 6m3 cylinders, are forcing to complete the aid by replacing concentrators and improvements with more cylinders of oxygen.

The vaccination process was started in its own center; the scale launch will be carried out between November and December, in parallel with community strengthening tasks to improve health care conditions for their communities. Contacts have already begun with potential strategic partners where PROSALUD does not have a presence and health authorities from 6 departments.
