
<p>January 2017&mdash;The crowd had swelled to about 30 people. All of them were young girls and mothers. Some already carried a baby in their arms. They were intently listening to the community health educator explain the different methods of family planning available at the health center.</p>

<p>All of these women were there because they were interested in taking charge of their futures. And they had this opportunity, at a brand new health center, thanks to an exceptional young Malagasy woman.</p>

<p>Dr. Landisoa Tafangy and her husband, Dr. Yoland Rakotondraibe, saw many vulnerable people in the neighborhood of Ankadindravola-Ivato, a suburban area in northern Antananarivo, struggling to access affordable, effective health care. Tafangy knew the region because of her other career&mdash;as an air traffic controller at the nearby Ivato International Airport.</p>

<p>Most of the community members earned their living from small-scale farming and fishing. With low incomes, they had difficulty paying for adequate health care to keep them and their children healthy.</p>

<p>The circumstances of the community moved Tafangy and her husband. So two years ago, without any business background or available funding,&nbsp;but driven by a strong will to help, they started the Health Center for All, or <em>Tobim-pahasalamana ho an&rsquo;ny Rehetra</em> in Malagasy. The name represents&nbsp;their central mission&mdash;to provide a clinic that is accessible and affordable for local people. The goal is to improve the health of the community so its members can improve their productivity and living conditions.</p>

<p>The doctors&nbsp;designed the Health Center for All as a one-stop shop providing low-cost general and specialized health care for poor families, including ear, nose and throat treatment; ophthalmology; pediatrics; gynecology; obstetrics; ultrasound scanning; and dentistry. The center offers flexible payment options and free health care to those in dire need. Tafangy calls these &ldquo;our social medical activities,&rdquo; which include special days with free screenings, consultations and medication two to three times a year.</p>

<p>Nearly 6,500 people were treated at the center in 2015, and over 6,800 families can now access the facility.</p>

<p>The health center works in partnership with Marie Stopes International for family planning activities under the USAID-funded <a href="… for International Family Planning Organizations</a> program, and is a member of the BlueStar network of private clinics providing family planning methods.</p>

<p>Partly due to her achievement in establishing the health center, Tafangy was selected as one of Madagascar&rsquo;s 2016 Young African Leaders Initiative Mandela Washington Fellows. She traveled to the United States for a six-week course in business and entrepreneurship, won a business plan competition, and received a grant from the United States&nbsp;African Development Foundation.</p>

<p>The grant is helping to support the health center as well as Tafangy&rsquo;s new plan&mdash;to start a health insurance program that will provide members with free health care and medication in return for quarterly payments of Ar 10,000 Malagaryariary, or $3.</p>

<p>Ranaivo Bakoliharivonjy, 63, and her husband, Germain Rabemanantsoa, 65, are both retired school teachers living on limited incomes. They have been regular users of the Health Center for All for a year and a half and say that the quality of their health care access has improved tremendously since the clinic opened.</p>

<p>&ldquo;Once I was down with high blood pressure and my husband and I went to see the doctor at her office,&rdquo; says Bakoliharivonjy about her experience prior to using the clinic. &ldquo;She was not there and I had to go back home with my sickness, without seeing any doctor.&rdquo;</p>

<p>&ldquo;[Here] the premises are clean and welcoming, and there is always a doctor available to receive you at any time of day. During a consultation, the doctor takes all his time to check the patient, and then they provide almost all needed medicines at affordable prices,&rdquo; added Rabemanantsoa.</p>

<p>After overcoming significant challenges at the beginning, Tafangy now says the health center is thriving, but successfully establishing the health center is just the first of many goals. &ldquo;I feel proud of myself and my staff for all that we have achieved. But when I consider the extent of the work that lies ahead of us, we still have a very long way to go.&rdquo;</p>


<div class="wysiwyg-style-related-link"><a href="">USAID&#39;s mission in Madagascar</a></div>

<div class="wysiwyg-style-related-link"><a href="… Keeping Mothers Safe to Be Mothers</a></div>

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,“Here, the premises are clean and welcoming, and there is always a doctor available to receive you at any time of day.”

Le dr. Landisoa Tafangy a d’autres rêves à réaliser : une mutuelle de santé
Le Centre de Santé pour Tous est un point de départ pour le dr. Landisoa Tafangy qui a d’autres rêves à réaliser : une mutuelle de santé.
A.G. Klei, USAID