

USAID has worked together with the government and people of El Salvador since January 1962 to advance the country’s economic and social development, strengthen democracy, preserve its environment, respond to natural disasters, and to improve the health and well-being of Salvadorans.


USAID’s strategic vision for its El Salvador program is a more prosperous and safe country, supported by a transparent and accountable government, where people believe they can have a better life at home. Security activities help create safe communities, promote gender-based violence prevention, advance human rights, and increase protection and services for victims. Through investment promotion, job training, and partnerships with business, USAID increases employment opportunities for Salvadorans, particularly youth. USAID education programs support teacher training, infrastructure upgrades, the use of technology, and scholarships to help youth complete high school and to continue professional development. USAID promotes government transparency, accountability and citizen oversight and helps improve the delivery of government services.


USAID targets urban areas with programs that help create safe communities. Programs provide job training, counseling, community service and recreational activities for youth. USAID works with municipalities, community organizations and private businesses on creating safe, public spaces, such as parks and other areas. To protect vulnerable populations and victims, USAID increases access to services for victims, particularly for victims of gender-based violence, and helps strengthen measures to USAID.GOV 1 protect and promote human rights. Programs also provide support to the national child protection system to improve care for vulnerable children through professional development programs for early childhood development staff and caregivers from across the country.


USAID facilitates job creation and placement and promotes trade, investment, and access to capital to mobilize Salvadoran and international private sector investment in key sectors. USAID is helping Salvadoran small businesses to grow and create new jobs, so that people can find dependable, good-paying work at home. Job training programs align workforce skills with productive sector needs. USAID increases legal pathways for temporary employment in the U.S. through the H-2 visa program. Other activities increase livelihoods through sustainable agriculture and economic activities that protect the environment. Improving education at the primary and secondary level through teacher training, school upgrades, the use of technology, and counseling helps children stay in school. USAID provides scholarships for technical and vocational education and alternative education programs to prepare youth for better employment opportunities.


USAID promotes greater transparency, accountability, and more responsive governance to improve citizens’ confidence in both national and municipal level government. Activities support transparent elections, political party strengthening, and citizen advocacy to build and maintain confidence in these systems and the accountability of elected officials. USAID also provides assistance to enhance citizen oversight and advocacy to effectively represent citizen interests and promote grassroots civic participation. Activities with municipal governments improve administrative planning and public services to enhance living conditions and increase opportunities for social development. USAID also works with the Ministry of Health to improve health services for the population.


USAID’s Office for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/OHA) provides food assistance and supports subsistence farmers and agriculture-dependent households with timely inputs for planting and growing seasons and sustainable agriculture practices to improve food security, diversify agricultural income, and strengthen local management of water sources. USAID/OHA supports vulnerable households to restore livelihoods, increase financial resilience, and mitigate the effects of future shocks through financial literacy courses, establishing community savings and loans groups, and restarting income-generating activities. The office also funds early recovery, risk reduction, and resilience activities and bolsters the capacity of local governments and communities to prepare for, mitigate, and respond to natural hazards. Finally, USAID/OHA provides psychosocial support, learning and recreational and referral services for women, children, and other groups facing heightened risk of exploitation, gender-based violence, and other forms of abuse. USAID assists returned migrants with their immediate needs and for safe and dignified reintegration. Activities include job and business training.


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