USAID plays a key role in the climate-and-development arena, with a portfolio of climate change programs, partnerships, and expertise in more than 45 countries across the globe.
Azerbaijan Climate Change Country Profile
FACT SHEET – Azerbaijan faces a range of environmental challenges that climate change will exacerbate, including unpredictable rainfall, natural disasters, and water deficits. USAID works to combat climate change as part of broader efforts to support the country’s development.
Bangladesh Climate Change Country Profile
Bhutan Climate Change Country Profile
Brazil Climate Change Country Profile
Cambodia Climate Change Country Profile
Colombia Climate Change Country Profile
Eastern and Southern Caribbean Climate Change Regional Profile
Egypt Climate Change Country Profile
Ethiopia Climate Change Country Profile
FACT SHEET – Ethiopia faces numerous development challenges that exacerbate its vulnerability to climate change. Climate impacts such as increasingly unpredictable rainfall patterns and intensified cycles of droughts and flooding not only contribute to high levels of food insecurity but also add a layer of complexity to ongoing ethnic conflicts. USAID is supporting the country by promoting the sustainable use of natural resources, providing seasonal weather information and advisories to improve agricultural practices and food security, and partnering with local communities to improve overall land management.
Gabon Climate Change Country Profile
Guatemala Climate Change Country Profile
India Climate Change Country Profile
FACT SHEET – India is the world’s third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases. The country’s diverse climate zones and geography contribute to varied climate risks, as rising temperatures and more frequent droughts have caused crop yield failures and disrupted the livelihoods of vulnerable communities.
Indonesia Climate Change Country Profile
FACT SHEET – In Indonesia, USAID implements a robust portfolio of environmental activities designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve land-use practices, strengthen resilience to natural and man-made disasters and other climate-related hazards, and promote the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices.
Jordan Climate Change Country Profile
Kenya Climate Change Country Profile
Malawi Climate Change Country Profile
Mexico Climate Change Country Profile
FACT SHEET – USAID/Mexico promotes sustainable growth by transforming key sectors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening inclusive and sustainable market systems, and partnering at the subnational and community levels to reduce the impacts of climate change across the country.
Nigeria Climate Change Country Profile
Pacific Islands Climate Change Regional Profile
Pakistan Climate Country Profile
Papua New Guinea Climate Country Profile
FACT SHEET – Boasting seven percent of the world’s biodiversity in less than one percent of the world’s landmass, Papua New Guinea contains rich natural resources, diverse marine ecosystems, and primary forests. USAID works with partners to promote effective stewardship of natural resources and conserve biodiversity while promoting livelihoods, expanding access to clean energy, and addressing the drivers of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.
Peru Climate Change Country Profile
FACT SHEET – Home to more than 13 percent of the Amazon rainforest, Peru ranks fourth in the world in terms of tropical forest cover. For that reason, efforts to reduce deforestation and forest degradation in Peru are critical to global efforts to address climate change. USAID works hand-in-hand with government, civil society, and local and indigenous communities to protect forests and watersheds, create sustainable livelihoods, and increase resilience to climate change for people and ecosystems alike.
Philippines Climate Change Country Profile
Senegal Climate Change Country Profile
Climate impacts in Senegal include rising temperatures, heat waves, high humidity, decreasing rainfall, and increased length and intensity of dry spells. Addressing climate change will be critical to the country’s pursuit of sustainable, low-emission economic growth.