
flag of Cambodia

Country Overview

Cambodia is in its third decade of peace and economic growth and has made great strides in reducing poverty and improving health. Despite these gains, significant obstacles remain. Democracy and human rights continue to be a challenge, natural resources have been rapidly depleted through illegal logging and poaching, inadequate nutrition has stunted over 30 percent of children and human trafficking persists.

USAID’s current Country Development Cooperation Strategy focuses on supporting the people of Cambodia through broadened inclusive and sustainable economic growth; improved health, education, and welfare for Cambodians; greater protections of human rights; and greater government accountability and transparency.

As such, USAID’s current health programs promote improved services in areas such as HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, and maternal and child health and nutrition. We also support Cambodia’s efforts to increase food security and to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change. We promote human rights and support civil society, especially youth, in finding ways to engage proactively in their future. Our education activities focus on improving the quality, relevance and accessibility of basic education. USAID continues to work to reduce trafficking in persons through prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnerships with Cambodian organizations and officials.

The United States works with Cambodia to build a framework for lasting democracy and to improve the lives of all its citizens.



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