August 24, 2021, Monrovia, Liberia -  On August 20, 2021, USAID Liberia Mission Director Jim Wright visited two COVID-19 vaccination sites to see how the J&J COVID vaccination campaign is going. 

His first stop was at the Redemption Hospital in New Kru Town where he spoke with the staff, including the Medical Director, Dr. Williametta Gibson, and with people getting vaccinated.

Later he visited a vaccination site at the nearby Duala Market, where he also spoke with health workers and saw people getting vaccinated.  Director Wright congratulated the staff for their work to get people vaccinated at both sites and encouraged Liberians to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Dr. Rachel Idowu, the Country Director of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), accompanied Director Wright on his visits to the two vaccination sites.

Over 300,000 doses of the J&J COVID-19 vaccine donated by the US Government through the COVAX facility arrived in Liberia on July 26, and a campaign to distribute the vaccines and get them into the arms of Liberians was launched on August 5th.                                                

Through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. contribution to COVAX supports the purchase and delivery of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines for the world’s most vulnerable and at-risk populations in 92 low- and middle-income countries. The CDC is providing technical assistance to the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the vaccination campaign. This support is critical to controlling the pandemic, slowing the emergence of new variants, and helping to restart the global economy.

USAID Mission Director Tours COVID-19 Vaccination Sites, Encourages Liberians to Get Vaccinated
-R: USAID Liberia Mission Director, Jim Wright, Redemption Hospital Medical Director, Dr. Williametta Gibson, Adolphus Clarke, Immunization Program Manager, and Dr. Rachel Idowu, CDC Liberia Country Director