Monday, July 31, 2023

USAID’s Libya Economic Acceleration Program is addressing the root causes of instability in Libya’s south including the illicit economy which has long fueled conflict. Currently, USAID is interviewing local community members to understand the economic barriers preventing youth from developing their business and joining the licit economy.  

Farj is one of many young people in Sebha trying to earn an income through a legal business. He sells Tamar dates -  a speciality of the region - from his stand on the outskirts of Sebha. He uses the income to support his family and is saving to get married. He wants to expand his business but doesn’t have the expertise, network, or financing to do so.

USAID is partnering with local organizations in Libya’s South to help entrepreneurs like Farj build their business management skills and connect to resources. USAID is focusing on micro-, small, and medium enterprises owned and operated by vulnerable and historically marginalized people to help them cultivate innovation, increase sales and create high-quality jobs in the private sector, creating viable alternatives to the illicit economy.

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