For Immediate Release

Press Release

Goa, India: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Vital Strategies convened leading health- and climate- focused journalists in Goa for an August 2-3 workshop to share best practices and enhance the use of data in reporting on air pollution. 

As the climate crisis intensifies, air pollution continues to be a major environmental health risk factor worldwide. Indian government, community, and private sector stakeholders work in partnership with USAID to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, which in turn improves public health, reduces poverty and inequality, and lessens climate change impacts. Journalists play a crucial role in our shared response to the climate crisis by informing the public of climate and air-related risks and shaping understanding of emerging policies and reforms.

The workshop was supported by USAID’s Cleaner Air and Better Health project, which is working to strengthen air pollution mitigation and reduce exposure to air pollution in India by establishing evidence-based models for better air quality management. Implemented by the Council on Energy, Environment and Water, project partners include ASAR Social Impact Advisors, Environmental Design Solutions, Enviro Legal Defence Firm, and Vital Strategies.

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