Dr. Atul Gawande Provides Remarks at the Second Global Childhood Pneumonia Forum

Photo of the stage at the second Global Childhood Pneumonia Forum where Dr. Atul Gawande's video remarks were being played for forum attendees.

Hi, I'm Atul Gawande and I lead Global Health at USAID. I'm so sorry that I can't be there  to join with you as we renew our fight to stop deaths from pneumonia in children.

Pneumonia kills more children than any other illness. That's why this is so important. We know the nature of the challenge. We have the know-how to stop pneumonia. We have the evidence-based, effective interventions to prevent, protect, and treat pneumonia in children.

Our job is to deploy around the world those capabilities, [and] USAID is your partner in making this happen. For example, we know that pneumococcal vaccines for children can stop and prevent pneumonia from happening. But we have had an increase by 25% in the number of children who are without any, any vaccines whatsoever. The so-called ‘zero dose kids’ when our target has been to cut those numbers of kids by 30%.

The pandemic has sent us far off course, this is our chance for the big catch-up, especially this world immunization week as you hold this conference.

USAID launched recently a new strategic plan for preventing child and maternal deaths, and this work to stop pneumonia is absolutely crucial to achieving that strategy and that mission.

I want to thank all of you for everything that you're doing. I'm grateful for your commitment.

Thank you.

Maternal and Child Health News