The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) works with the Government of Pakistan and development partners to increase access to and improve the quality of basic and higher education.


Since 2010, USAID has partnered with the Government of Pakistan (GOP) to provide high-quality basic and higher education to Pakistani students and improve learning outcomes.  The programs have strengthened the education system; trained teachers, administrators, and faculty; supported educational policies that are responsive to local needs; and increased community involvement. 



Inclusive Access To Basic Education

Increasing access to quality education for all children is essential for Pakistan’s development as nearly 22.5 million children are out of school, the majority of whom are girls. USAID’s education programs have also provided emergency education to children affected by conflict and natural disasters and enrolled students in schools and non-formal education programs. 

Improved Basic Education Quality

USAID aims to strengthen the quality of education, particularly in the early years, by focusing on foundational reading and mathematics skills.  USAID has trained teachers in reading instruction, produced and distributed reading materials in local languages, and introduced public-private partnerships for improved school management.   

Improved Access To AND Quality Of Higher Education  

USAID programs help Pakistani universities increase access to and improve the quality and relevance  of their degree programs. USAID has provided scholarships to talented low-income and marginalized students and helped Pakistani universities improve their ability to manage financial aid programs. 


  • Trained more than 51,500 teachers, school administrators and officials.
  • Provided over 19,500 scholarships for talented students to attend higher education. Since 2014, 50 percent of those scholarships have been awarded to women.
  • Reached more than two million primary-level learners throughout the country, and improved reading skills for 26 percent of grade-two students in USAID supported classrooms.
  • Provided more than120 applied research grants to university faculty.
  • Provided more than 500 exchange opportunities to students and faculty for training in the United States. 
  • Built four modern applied research centers with 22 fully equipped labs for water, energy and agriculture research and built 17 teacher education buildings on university campuses to ensure training of future educators. 
  • Built or repaired more than 1,737 schools across Pakistan. 
Basic Education in Pakistan

Current/Ongoing Activities

Improving Girls’ Education Activity

Human Development Activity

Merit And Needs-Based Scholarship Program

Higher Education System Strengthening Activity

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USAID/Pakistan Education Sector Fact Sheet