For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations

Statement by Administrator Samantha Power

Foreign Affairs Day is an opportunity to pause and reflect on the incredible contributions each of you – and all foreign affairs professionals – make toward creating a better world.

The dedication, creativity, and grit of our USAID workforce is a constant inspiration – especially because, as we all know, this is not a line of work for the faint of heart. People join USAID out of a desire to dedicate their lives to a cause greater than themselves – taking on global issues to advance opportunity and alleviate suffering around the world. Yet as many experience, working in foreign affairs can require long periods of separation from families and friends, as well as confronting uncertainty and perhaps even danger. And we have colleagues who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country while in the line of duty.

All those who benefit from USAID’s work are better off for the service of foreign affairs professionals – and fortunate that USAID teams are continuously working to improve our policies and programs so that we can recruit and retain the best staff in the world.

To all the foreign affairs professionals at USAID and beyond, thank you for your service and your sacrifice.

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