For Immediate Release

Press Release

The United States Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), co-hosted a Joint Portfolio Review at King Fahd Palace Hotel. The event was an annual review of progress of its partnership and opportunities for deeper collaboration with the Government of Senegal.

USAID has supported Senegal’s development for the last 60 years, collaborating with the government, key organizations, and citizens to achieve the shared vision of a more prosperous nation. USAID, through its five-year $600 million strategy in Senegal, partners with the GOS to advance Senegal’s vision of emergence, through Plan Senegal Emergent and PAP 2A. USAID works in partnership with the GOS and its line ministries to increase inclusive, sustainable economic growth; improve Senegal’s human capital; and increase the effectiveness of the government and its accountability to the Senegalese people.

Our shared vision includes increasing engagement with the private sector to find market-based solutions to development challenges and empowering citizens through activities that improve economic opportunities, particularly for women and youth.  

The event included remarks by Minister Amadou Hott of MEPC, U.S. Ambassador Michael Raynor, and USAID Mission Director Peter Trenchard, with participation from Government of Senegal line ministry officials and USAID mission technical staff.

MPEC Peter Trenchard Michael Raynor
USAID and MEPC host the annual Joint Portfolio Review
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