
Fiji Flag

Country Profile

Fiji is an important United States partner in advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region. Our relationship is based on mutual respect, shared history, and common values of strength through diversity, fairness, and freedom.


The U.S. and Fiji have a close relationship that will be strengthened with the re-establishment of a USAID Mission in Suva in 2023. As the world’s premier development agency, USAID focuses on promoting good governance, increasing resilience to climate change impacts, protecting biodiversity, responding to COVID-19, and preparing for and responding to disasters in Fiji. USAID is working closely with local Fijian organizations, multilateral agencies, and the private sector towards shared development goals.


USAID reinforces the foundations of good governance in Fiji by encouraging all citizens — including women, youth and other marginalized groups — to participate in democratic processes. USAID promotes government accountability and transparency by encouraging citizen engagement and effective policy implementation. USAID also supports Fijian communities to counter trafficking in persons.


Climate and disaster risks are existential threats to Pacific Island countries. USAID is strengthening the resources and systems that Fiji needs to prepare for and address the effects of climate change and disasters. USAID promotes capacity building and systems strengthening across critical humanitarian sectors in order to enable a locally-led response and ensure first responders are prepared to assist their communities. In the aftermath of cyclones Yasa and Ana, USAID responded to immediate needs of the affected population and addressed early recovery needs in the protection and water, sanitation, and hygiene sectors.


Fiji’s economic success is closely linked to its rich but threatened biodiversity, which is under threat from climate change. USAID empowers local partners to transparently and effectively manage environmental resources and adapt and respond to the climate crisis. For example, USAID has supported accreditation of the Fiji Development Bank, improving its access to climate finance. At the community level, USAID partners with the U.S. Peace Corps to raise environmental awareness among remote communities and increase their resilience to extreme weather events; in Fiji, volunteers work with their communities to build seawalls, improve water and sanitation, construct safe houses for use during extreme weather events, and integrate sound environmental practices into project planning.


USAID supported Fiji to prevent the spread and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. USAID has provided medical equipment, supplies, and training for Fijian medical personnel. Additionally, the U.S. government’s global health security partnership with Fiji would begin in 2023.


USAID is strengthening the capacity of locally established civil society organizations in the Pacific to address the second order impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. USAID assistance supports communities to increase their resilience to disasters and climate risks, enhance their livelihoods, increase food security, improve access to water, bolster health and education, improve governance, manage natural resources more sustainably, and conserve vital biodiversity.

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