
Today, Kaya Adams assumed her duties as the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director in the Kyrgyz Republic, at a swearing in ceremony at the U.S. Embassy, with participation from USAID Administrator Samantha Power, who joined the event virtually. Ms. Adams is the first permanent USAID Mission Director for the Kyrgyz Republic since 2020.   

At the ceremony, Mission Director Adams noted, “Our programs are going into some very exciting areas for the next generation – expanding more inclusive education, using new technologies for combatting disease, protecting and promoting rights and access to information in new ways, and helping entrepreneurs make their ideas a reality”.

Kaya Adams has been with USAID since 1999. She has previously served in the Central Asia Regional Mission based in Kazakhstan, Africa, and the Middle East.  Prior to her posting as Mission Director in the Kyrgyz Republic, she served as Deputy Mission Director in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Ms. Adams holds a master’s degree in International Relations from Syracuse University, and a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University. She speaks English, French, German, and Russian.

In the last ten years, the American people, through USAID, have provided over $400 million to support development programs in the Kyrgyz Republic. These programs cover a wide range of fields including business development, expanding trade, improving basic education, developing agriculture, strengthening independent media, enhancing local government, health system strengthening, and assisting the country in the fight against COVID-19.

Visit our website to learn more about our projects or follow USAID/Kyrgyz Republic on social media: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

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