The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is committed to helping countries meet the family planning and reproductive health needs of their people. Voluntarism and informed choice are guiding principles of our program. We are the world’s largest bilateral donor of family planning assistance; the Agency’s bilateral family planning and reproductive health program budget for FY 2022 is $607.5 million. When USAID launched its family planning program in 1965, fewer than 10 percent of women in the developing world (excluding China) were using a modern contraceptive method, and the average family size was over six. Today, in the 41 countries where USAID focuses its support, modern contraceptive prevalence has increased to 34 percent, and the average family size has dropped to 3.9. In FY 2023, the U.S. international family planning assistance budget is estimated to have reached up to 24.2 million women and couples with contraceptive services and supplies, helping to prevent 14,000 maternal deaths and 8.1 million unintended pregnancies.

family planning and reproductive health