The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) provides vital financial and technical assistance that enables the Government of Mali to deploy lifesaving interventions proven to fight malaria.

PMI is a critical funding source for insecticide-treated nets, malaria diagnosis and treatment, and more. PMI investments also support stronger, more-resilient health systems. For example, PMI helps train health workers, strengthen supply chains, improve data monitoring, and reinforce health policies.

PMI Mali’s fiscal year 2023 budget was $25 million. PMI investments support and build on those made by the Government of Mali, in coordination with other stakeholders. PMI investments are detailed in the Malaria Operational Plan for Mali,** which was developed in consultation with the National Malaria Control Program, other donors, and technical organizations. Planned PMI activities reflect national and PMI strategies, draw on best-available data, and align with the country context and health system.

Since partnering with PMI,Mali has made significant progress against malaria. Child death rates have fallen and lifesaving interventions such as mosquito nets and preventive treatment for pregnant women are reaching more people. Health systems are stronger and health workers have received more than 89,800 trainings to help them fight malaria.

The U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) supports 27 partner countries in sub-Saharan Africa and three programs in the Greater Mekong Subregion in Southeast Asia to control and eliminate malaria. Led by the U.S.Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented together with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PMI delivers cost-effective, lifesaving malaria interventions alongside catalytic technical and operational assistance to equip and empower partner countries to end malaria.