For Immediate Release

Press Release

Kinshasa, DRC – The U.S. government (USG), through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), launched a new project called “Action to Reduce and Respond to Exploitation and Trafficking (ARRETE)”. This USAID Activity will strengthen coordination among key institutions to combat trafficking in persons, expand access to multidisciplinary services for victims of trafficking in persons, and improve knowledge around counter-trafficking law and policies in Kinshasa, North-Kivu, and in two additional provinces. The American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative will lead the implementation of this activity, alongside partners Heartland Alliance International and Dynamique des Femmes Juristes. This five-year USAID activity will build on recent counter-trafficking efforts by the Government of DRC, support survivors of gender-based violence, and strengthen partnerships among key institutions including the government, civil society, private sector, international NGOs, and survivor-led organizations.

USAID ARRETE will focus on groups affected by - and at risk of - human trafficking and exploitation. Through partnerships with civil society organizations and community networks, USAID ARRETE will improve and expand access to comprehensive services to survivors of human trafficking. Communities will learn more about trafficking in persons through awareness-raising sessions, information on resources and services, as well as on the national referral mechanisms that exist at both the provincial and national levels. USAID ARRETE will also strengthen the existing national referral mechanism, and strengthen the justice system, so that it can adequately prosecute perpetrators and protect survivors and victims.

Placing gender equality and social inclusion at the center of its approach, USAID ARRETE will focus on recognizing and responding to the specific needs, interests, and vulnerabilities of marginalized communities in DRC.

“This partnership between American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, Heartland Alliance International, and Dynamique des Femmes Juristes, as part of USAID’s Action to Reduce and Respond to Exploitation and Trafficking (ARRETE) Activity, is an illustration of the U.S. government strategy in the DRC to combat trafficking in persons and ensure the availability of holistic services for survivors of gender-based violence. This USAID Activity will lead to a more equitable and prosperous society, where everyone - especially women and children - feel safe in their communities," stated Christine Djondo, Deputy Mission Director, USAID/DRC


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the world's premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID works to help lift lives, build communities, and advance democracy. USAID's work demonstrates American generosity and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience. President John. F. Kennedy created the United States Agency for International Development by executive order in 1961 to lead the U.S. government’s international development and humanitarian efforts.

Contact Information:

For media inquiries for more information about the ARRETE project, please contact:
USAID Development Outreach and Communications Team:
Joy Wiskin, Democracy Officer, Democratic, Rights and Governance Office:

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