Democracies deliver. They deliver stronger, more resilient economies. They deliver better opportunities for citizens and outcomes for communities. And they deliver freer, more inclusive, more just societies.

But democracies are also under attack. Internally by divisive forces. Externally by autocrats spreading disinformation, weaponizing corruption, and amassing power for their own ends.

So when a country experiences a promising democratic opening—when there’s an opportunity to enact democratic reforms, strengthen transparency and the rule of law, advance human rights and development, and deliver economic dividends—we need to help governments, civil society, and citizens seize the moment.

USAID's Democracy Delivers Initiative works to surge support, resources, and attention to a selection of these democratic “bright spots”. We’re bringing together the development and diplomatic tools of the U.S. government, together with contributions by other bilateral and multilateral donors, the private sector, and the philanthropic community to support countries experiencing a moment of democratic opportunity to implement and expand their reform agendas. That means helping them demonstrate wins and sustain popular support for democratic reform.

By helping democratic bright spots deliver on issues that matter most to citizens, the Democracy Delivers Initiative aims to help these countries cement early democratic gains, create space for further reforms, and promote the global progress of democracy.

The Democracy Delivers Initiative is currently supporting Armenia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Fiji, Malawi, Maldives, Moldova, Nepal, Tanzania, and Zambia.

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