The Center for Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG) promotes peace, prosperity and freedom around the globe through self-reliant, citizen-responsive democratic governance that respects human dignity, rights and the rule of law (ROL). The priorities of partner countries and of development assistance broadly naturally fluctuate accordingly to changing human and environmental needs, political and economic realities, and innovation. However, strong, effective ROL is the foundation for realized democratic governance and critical to every aspect of USAID’s development agenda. The existence of ROL is the enabling environment across sectors for the provision of fair, accountable services and systems. ROL also supports the recognition, regulation, protection and enforcement of rights - fundamental to achieving peace, security, and progress towards social and economic development.

USAID has and continues to be a leader in ROL programming across the globe. USAID’s work encompasses the entire spectrum of ROL, including enhancing access to justice, improving the administration of justice, and developing equitable and working legal and regulatory frameworks to support government, private sector, and citizen access in the health, economic, and education sectors. This work is difficult; progress is incremental and difficult to measure. Notably, ROL is a collective endeavor; no single institution can provide for ROL or protect it from erosion. Accordingly, USAID engages a variety of partners in its ROL promotion efforts, from justice-administering institutions such as courts to professional standard setting institutions such as bar associations and justice-guarding or service delivery civil society organizations. Also, as the ROL is a significant aspect of healthy, democratic relationship between a state and its citizens, USAID’s ROL efforts encompass work directly with communities and citizens.