
In Benin, the ‘Assurance maladie pour le Renforcement du Capital Humain’ (AM-ARCH) project, developed and implemented by the Government of Benin, is making significant strides in improving the lives of many. Hurdice Kakpo, a 30-year-old project participant , shares his transformative experience since he gained access to health insurance through the Biometric National Identity (BNI) Card in 2021.

Facing life's challenges head-on, he found support in having health insurance. Before the intervention of AM-ARCH, Hurdice, like many in his situation, relied on traditional remedies for healthcare, which were often unsafe due to dosage uncertainties. The BNI card under AM-ARCH marked a new beginning for him, offering a more secure and reliable way to access healthcare.

The most significant impact of the BNI card was realized when Hurdice discovered that it not only covered his own medical needs but also extended its benefits to his children. This revelation came at a critical time when his son fell ill and needed medical care. The relief he felt upon learning that his son was also covered under his insurance was immense. This moment underscored the far-reaching impact of the AM-ARCH project, extending beyond the individual to their loved ones.

Despite the benefits he has received, Hurdice expresses a keen desire to fully understand the range of services available to him and his family through the card. His story highlights a crucial aspect of such beneficial initiatives: the need for effective communication and comprehensive education for beneficiaries to ensure they can fully utilize the services offered.

Hurdice's experience is a testament to the power of universal health coverage and the difference it can make in the lives of individuals and their families. It also underscores the need for ongoing education and communication to ensure that beneficiaries like Hurdice can fully leverage the benefits of such transformative projects.

The ARCH project, supported by USAID/Benin’s HSS Accelerator is a prime example of how collaborative efforts can bring about significant improvements in healthcare accessibility, impacting lives and fostering hope and resilience in communities.

The HSS Accelerator, a USAID/Benin activity, has been instrumental in the expansion of the AM-ARCH program throughout Benin. In collaboration with the National Social Protection Agency (ANPS), AM-ARCH has been extended to all of Benin’s 77 communes. With one million registered beneficiaries, the HSS Accelerator has supported the program in incorporating community feedback and coordination with relevant partners.

*Note: All photographs were taken with the consent of individuals involved, respecting their privacy and the sensitive nature of healthcare.*

Hurdice Kakpo ARCH Benin USAID
ARCH insurance beneficiary, Hurdice Kakpo, with his son at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Zone (CHUZ) in Abomey-Calavi.
Photo by Kike Togbe-Olory for USAID


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