The electoral environment in Zambia is framed by several interrelated components: gaps and inconsistencies in the legal framework; decreasing public confidence in the impartiality, effectiveness, and credibility of electoral institutions; lack of inclusion in the political process of historically marginalized groups; and, an increasing need to mitigate election-related violence and to promote a peaceful political environment. Democracy Strengthening in Zambia (DSZ) is an ongoing three-year multi-donor project designed to address the  challenges associated with the 2021 elections. The approach highlights the important areas of inclusion, accountability, transparency, integrity, and capacity across electoral institutions and processes.

  • Life of Project: August 2020 - December 2023

  • Geographic Focus: National

  • Partner: UNDP/Zambia

  • Total USAID Funding: $500,000

  • USAID Contact: Mulima Akapelwa -


The goal of DSZ is to strengthen Zambia's democracy through functional and inclusive electoral processes that result in increased legitimacy and institutionalization of Zambia's multiparty system. The project addresses the risk of electoral violence characterizing Zambian politics in recent years, particularly evident since the 2016 elections, by focusing on human security and conflict mitigation of democratic processes across the electoral cycle. In addition to USAID, the European Union, France, Germany, Ireland, and Sweden are contributing donors. Combined funding to the DSZ Project is $10.3 million. The project was extended from December 2022 to December 2023 to allow full implementation of planned activities.

In its final year, activities include support to increasing women and youth participation in elections, strengthening parliamentary committees, building on early warning and early response systems for peace, facilitating consultative forums for constitutional and legal reforms, and research and mechanisms to support the communication practices of key electoral institutions. 

Expected Results

  • More inclusive and participatory decision-making in electoral institutions and processes;
  • Strengthened electoral institutions which are transparent, responsive, and accountable and provide information, access, and services to electoral stakeholders;
  • Enhanced technical and organizational capacities of national electoral stakeholders; and,
  • Improved electoral security and strengthened conflict management systems, including the existing Conflict Management Committees at the national and district levels.
Zambia Past Project