Thursday, June 15, 2023
“Since we've been provided with the solar panels, we're comfortable, and now the water is available in our homes day and night,” said Amina Ali.

She is one of 11,898 women whose families in Ash Shamayatayn District in Taiz Governorate are now enjoying piped water systems installed by USAID and CARE in five villages. Long treks to collect water are no longer necessary for women and girls in these villages now that water reaches their homes through a new climate-smart, solar-powered system.

More than 15 million people in Yemen do not have access to basic water and sanitation. USAID helps rehabilitate water systems (including solar powered systems), repair sewage network pipelines, build household latrines, and rehabilitate water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities in schools.

Since 2018, USAID has helped more than 1.5 million vulnerable Yemenis access clean water, improved sanitation services, and better hygiene awareness sessions to prevent the spread of communicable diseases such as cholera and COVID-19. More specifically, USAID has increased access to water for more than 650,000 people, and improved sanitation services for nearly 505,000 people through repaired sewage networks, installation of toilets and handwashing facilities at health facilities, and construction of household latrines.

USAID and CARE support access to water for Yemeni families.
USAID and CARE support access to water for Yemeni families.
USAID and CARE support access to water for Yemeni families.
Access to piped water at home has improved the lives of many Yemenis.
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