For Immediate Release

Press Release

We stand with all in South Sudan who work to advance gender equality and to support the rights of women and girls. This reflects the enduring foundational values that have driven U.S. engagement with the people of South Sudan for decades before this country’s independence.

The theme of this year’s celebration, “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress,” speaks to the core of our approach to assistance in South Sudan. However, for there to be sustainable change, the commitment to improve gender equality and protect human rights in South Sudan must come from the South Sudanese themselves.

The transitional government and civil society must recognize that all forms of gender-based discrimination and actions that lead to gender-based violence, especially sexual violence, are formidable barriers to women’s full participation in society. The transitional government must dedicate resources to ending these abhorrent and harmful practices. Advancing gender equality requires collective action that ingrains human rights into the very fabric of society.

Men and boys must recognize that their country can only thrive if women have equal rights, access, and opportunities. They must champion the rights of their female relatives, friends, and fellow citizens.


For more information, please contact the U.S. Embassy Public Diplomacy Section: Henry Andrea, Information and Media Assistant | |+211 0912152994

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