USAID works with the Government of Kenya to support comprehensive prevention activities informed by rigorous analysis of Kenya’s HIV/AIDS epidemic.  This includes effective case finding through testing to identify people and groups at highest risk of HIV acquisition and to link HIV-positive clients to antiretroviral therapy services.  Those who test negative are provided evidence-based, efficient prevention services.  The United States, through the generosity of the American people, has provided resources including human resources, donated HIV medicines and medical supplies and built capacity for comprehensive HIV prevention to Kenyans for decades, including the supplies needed for HIV testing.

HIV prevention activities include targeted HIV testing services, voluntary medical male circumcision for traditionally non-circumcising communities, and linkage to ARV treatment and care.  In addition, USAID supports HIV prevention and treatment services among orphans and vulnerable children and other priority populations. Our Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe (DREAMS) initiative empowers vulnerable adolescent girls and young women ages 10-24 years with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices and remain HIV-free. Pre-exposure prophylaxis and gender-based violence prevention and response programs are an integral part of the existing prevention package. 

Kenya Fact Sheet