AAPD 22-01 Revision 2

AAPD 22-01 Revision 2 Defense Base Act (DBA) Insurance

Subject: Acquisition

I. Purpose: This AAPD provides Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance rates and contact information for USAID’s DBA insurance carrier. In addition, this AAPD contains information and guidance regarding a deviated AIDAR clause: 752.228-3, (“Worker’s Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act)”).

II. Required Actions:  For new solicitations and contracts, COs must include the deviated AIDAR 752.228-3 clause found in Attachment 1 of the AAPD, as prescribed in AIDAR 728.309, with no references to any specific rates or contact information for any DBA insurance carrier.

Issued Date: May 30, 2024